Getting Started with Cadence

  • To change your password use the NIS command yppasswd
  • To load environment variable for different tools and projects, the open source tool module-environment is used which makes it very modular to load and unload environment variables. Following are some examples:
    • module av will display all the modules available to load or unload.
    • Some common modules for different CAD tools are:
      • module load tools/IC/618 loads all the necessary environment variables for Cadence Virtuoso 6.18
      • module load tools/SPECTRE/211 will load the env variables for Spectre simulator.
      • module load tools/calibre/2021-4-33-16 for Calibre layout verification tool.
      • module load tools/ASSURA/41-618 tools/PVS/19-14-ISR4 for ASSURA and PVS verification tool.
    • module list will list all the currently loaded modules.
    • module show tools/IC/618 will shows all the environment variables set in that module tools/IC/618
    • module unload tools/IC/618 will remove all the environment related to module tools/IC/618
  • Simulation results should be in the local drive in /home/local/simulation/<USER> directory. Storing simulation results in your home or project directory will quickly use up your disk quota.
    • To automatically point all your Cadence simulation to the above directory, add the following command to your .cdsinit file in the Cadence work area:
      • envSetVal("asimenv.startup" "projectDir" 'string strcat("/home/local/simulation/" getShellEnvVar("USER") ))
    • For Tanner tools, the modulefile sets the env variable TANNERWINEPREFIX to /home/local/simulation/<USER>/.wine-2020-3u3 so the user doesn't have to do anything.

Using the Staff Virtual Machine (VM)

  • Using PuTTy (or equivalent) and login to the VM ( using your already setup Linux credentials.
  • Setup VNC password by typing the command vncpasswd
    • This step is NOT necessary if you have previously set the password.
  • Start the vncserver by typing the command : vncserver start
  • This should start the server with a pre-determined DISPLAY number (for eg. 4) that will be echoed on the terminal after the server starts.
  • Using a VNCviewer (eg. TightVNC) from your desktop login to the server using the address in the format <IPADDR>:<DISPLAY#> For eg.
  • This is a shared VM with limited resources so please kill the server if not using it for an extended period by typing the command: vncserver stop
  • You can set your desired resolution using the geometry option in the ~/.vnc/config file. NOTE: since this is a limited VM, use a reasonable size not to take up a lot of memory. Suggested size is 1280x720
  • There is a crontab script that will delete all the VNC servers every Sunday at 4am. Please save your work and stop the server (vncserver stop) before leaving for the weekend.

Transferring Files to the Server using FileZilla

The following instruction will help you setup and transfer files between your Windows workstation and the the Linux server using FileZilla, the most popular, free, and powerful file transfer program.

  • If you don't have it installed yet, download and install it from the FileZilla Download site.
  • After starting FileZilla, you can enter the server IP address along with your user info on the top bar of the panel:
    • Host:
    • Username: <username>
    • Password: <password>
    • Port: 22
  • After entering the above information either hit Enter OR click Quickconnect
  • If successful, the program should connect to the server and your home directory should appear on the right side of the panel named Remote site. You can browse to the remote directory you want to copy your files to/from.
  • On the left side of the panel named Local site. You can browse to the local directory you want to copy the files from/to.
  • Now you can simply transfer the files by dragging and dropping between the local and remote directories. Alternatively, you can copy (ctrl-c) and paste (ctrl-v) as well.


Frequently Used Commands

  • NOTE: Keep this section in sync with /CAD/apps7/bin/

  • yum provides : To find a package which provides a certain library eg.
  • umask 027 will result in files with 640 perms and dirs with 750 perm.
  • Output Redirection::
    • bash: unix-cmd > output.log 2> error.log : redirection of stdout to output.log and stderr to error.log
    • sh: unix-cmd > output.log 2>&1 : redirection of stdout and stderr output.log
  • chown -R <owner>:<group> <dir> : Will recursively change owner and group of files and directories.
  • chmod -R a+rX : will recursively append read/execute(rX) for all (a) ie. user/group/other directories (X) and append only read for files only. NOTE This will not change dot files.
  • chmod -R o-rwX : will recursively remove read/write/execute(rwX) for others.
  • chmod -R g+r : will recursively append read for groups.
  • tar -o ... : -o option will overwrite the ownership to the one who is untaring right now.
  • find . -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf {}\;
  • sudo -u <user> <command> : Runs the <command> as user <user>
  • sudo -u <user> -g <group> <command> : Runs the <command> as user <user> and the group <group> instead of the primary group of the user.
  • sudo sh/csh -c "echo >> /etc/sysconfig/networks" : Commands which have breaks in them are passed to a shell else after the first part, the rest will executed as the normal user and not sudoer.
  • sudo xfs_quota -x -c 'report -uh' /home/nfs1 | sort -k 2 -n : quota report for users mount /home/nfs1 and sorted numerically based on second field.
  • sudo quota -su <user>
  • echo "whatevever text" | sudo tee -a file.txt : Will echo text as root
  • If you have tar ball with no permission for "other" and the user and group does not exist:
    • tar -o -xzvf file.tar.gz
    • chmod -R o+rX <root-dir> : will recursivley add read perms for files and r+x for directories, for "others"
  • yum provides : To find a package which provides a certain library eg.
  • GIT
    • git reset <file> : undo changes



  • /CAD/apps7/bin/ is running daily on a crontab (centos@srv01:~> sudo crontab -l to see the list) for cleaning the NFS directories (.cache, .mozilla///storage, DRC/LVS, core, etc).



  • Default setting in firefox endup with huge cache size filling up user quotas.
  • To change the following preferences, open firefox and navigate to about:config (Ignore warning and continue):
    • To narrow down the preference names, type browser.cache in the preference window and change the following preferences:
      • browser.cache.disk.capacity : 24000
      • browser.cache.disk.enable: false
      • browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl: false
      • browser.cache.offline.capacity: 24000
      • browser.cache.offline.enable: false
  • IMPORTANT: If you delete the ~/.mozilla folder, all the changes will be lost.


NOTE: Following commands to be executed as users

  • Use the script to check the disk usage in your home directory (~/.cache reported as a seprate line item) and all the project and training directories.
  • Use the script clean up some selected type of files including /.cache, DRC/LVS run files, etc.

User Administration

  • All user database is maintained in GoogleSheet (vlsi account) UserList7-AdvVLSI
  • Open the appropriate tab eg. permanent, VLabs
  • Add, remove or modify the user in the sheet.
    • for modified users, put a * in front of the serial number to indicate pending changes.
  • Export it as a CSV file (File -> Download -> csv eg. 2023-0128-VLabs-GroupUpdate.csv
  • Copy the above file to /CAD/apps7/users
  • Remove all entries except the required users. NOTE DO NOT REMOVE THE HEADER (First 5 lines)
  • Run buseradd script with the appropriate options:
    • New user: sudo buseradd -cq -i <file.csv>
      • Option q is for setting the quotas.
    • Update: sudo buseradd -g -i 2023-0128-VLabs-GroupUpdate.csv
    • Remove users: sudo buseradd -d -i <file.csv>
  • Update NIS: sudo make -C /var/yp



If you want to manually change the user information and the password for an user, follow these steps:

 $sudo chfn -f "Swapnil Mehta" -o "Sevya-2407" -p "9090843345" -h "" vlab7
 $echo "vlab7:newpwd" | sudo /usr/sbin/chpasswd
 $sudo make -C /var/yp


$sudo useradd -s /bin/csh -d /home/NIS/<username> -N -g users -G users \
              -c "Firstname Lastname, Dept., email", -k /etc/skel-student -K UMASK=022 -m <username>
$sudo make -C /var/yp

Where the options for useradd are:

-s : Default Linux shell (eg. csh)
-d : Home directory of the user
-N : Do not create a group with the user name but add it to the one with -g option
-g : add user to this group as the initial group (when -N option is provided)
-G : list of supplementary groups the user is going to be part of.
-c : comment. Please provide the comment is the format in the example for
     better user information retrieval when using the 'finger <user>' command
-k : location for the skeleton file eg. .cshrc, etc.

Setting up new CentOS 7 Desktop


  • Start desktop with a CentOS7 USB and and boot press F12 (or F10) and choose USB media
  • After setting the language, keyboard, etc. set the following
    • Set static network and hostname
      • IP: 192.168.11.xx
      • SUBNET:
      • GATEWAY:
      • DNS:,
      • hostname: <desktopname>
    • Base Environment GNOME Desktop with following addons:
      • GNOME Applications
      • Legacy X Window System Compatibility
      • Office Suite and Productivity
      • Compatibility Libraries
      • Development Tools
      • Security Tools
      • System Administration Tools
    • Choose the default automatic partition.
  • Start installation
  • Create user:
    • Set password for root
    • Create an administrative username centos
  • Reboot and login as centos
  • Add quota option for /home in /etc/fstab eg:
    • /dev/mapper/centos-home /home xfs defaults,pquota 0 0
  • sudo yum install git
  • git clone
  • ~/cad-apps7/bin/ all
  • ~/cad-apps7/bin/
  • Reboot
  • Update when appropriate: sudo yum update

Auto Install Using Kickstart

  • Install CentOS 7 using a kickstart USB media as detailed below.
  • After reboot and accepting EULA, login
  • Change the IP address and hostname: # nmtui
  • Add hostname to /etc/hosts
  • Add quota option for /home in /etc/fstab eg:
    • /dev/mapper/centos-home /home xfs defaults,pquota 0 0
  • git clone
  • ~/cad-apps7/bin/ all
  • ~/cad-apps7/bin/
  • Reboot
  • Update when appropriate: sudo yum update

Cadence/Mentor Flexnet License Server


  • Cadence:
    • /CAD/apps7/bin/cdslic start : Starts the License Server
    • /CAD/apps7/bin/cdslic stop : Stops the License Server
    • /CAD/apps7/bin/cdslic status : Checks the statusi eg. license usage
  • Mentor/Siemens:
    • /CAD/apps7/bin/mgclic start : Starts the License Server
    • /CAD/apps7/bin/mgclic stop : Stops the License Server
    • /CAD/apps7/bin/mgclic status : Checks the statusi eg. license usage


  • Stop the license server.
  • Copy the new license file to /CAD/licenseServers/cadence[mentor]/licFiles
  • Update the symbolic link /CAD/licenseServers/cadence[mentor]/license-current.dat
  • Edit license file too: 1) add the hostname/IP of the server (srv02), 2) path to the daemon (/CAD/…/cdslmd) and 3) the daemon port (PORT=5281/1718):
SERVER srv02 98BE9429134A 5280
DAEMON cdslmd /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/lmtools-v11-7-0-0/bin/cdslmd PORT=5281

SERVER srv02 98BE9429134A 1717
DAEMON mgcld /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/mgls_v9-16_5-1-0.ixl/bin PORT=1718
  • Start the license server.


  • Documnets/Resources
    • Cadence License Documentation at $CDSDOC/license or /CAD/IC616/doc/license Link-to-PDF
    • Mentor License Manual PDF
    • Mentor AppNote MG576233 : Scripts for starting license server PDF
    • Cadence Support Article on setup and debug of license server Link

Flexnet Licensing Components

All the Cadence and Mentor applications are FlexNet-enabled application that communicates with the license server, a license manager daemon that contacts the client applications and passes the connection to the appropriate vendor daemon that tracks the license status and a files that stores licensing data.

  • FlexNet-Enabled Application Program– All the Cadence and Mentor applications eg. Virtuoso, Assura, Pyxis, etc.
  • License Manager Daemon (lmgrd)– The lmgrd daemon handles initial contact with the client application programs and passes the connection to the appropriate vendor daemon. The lmgrd daemon also starts and restarts the vendor daemons.
  • NOTE It's best to run the same version of lmgrd as the vendor daemon mgcld/cdslmd. Also two different versions of lmgrd can be run simultaneously for different tools. lmgrd is in almost all the bin directories of Cadence apps.: Copied the the bin directory from /cad/INCISIV102_lnx86/tools/bin to /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/lmtools-v11-7-0-0
  • For Mentor Graphics the lmgrd location is /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/mgls_v9-16_5-1-0.ixl NOTE: *.ixl is for 32-bit OS and *.aol is for 64-bit OS. VLSI-SRV-001 is 32-bit RHEL 6.
  • Vendor Daemon (mgcld/cdslmd)– The vendor daemon, mgcld/cdslmd, keeps track of the licenses that are checked out. If the mgcld/cdslmd process terminates for any reason, all users lose their licenses but usually regain them automatically when lmgrd restarts mgcld/cdslmd. The vendor daemon for Cadence and Mentor:
  • /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/lmtools-v11-7-0-0/bin/cdslmd
  • /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/mgls_v9-16_5-1-0.ixl/bin/mgcld
  • License File– The license file is a text file where FlexNet stores licensing data. Vendor creates this license file, which contains information about the server and mgcld/cdslmd and at least one line of data, called the INCREMENT line, for each licensed product. Each INCREMENT line contains an encryption code that is based on data on that line, the host ID of the server(s), and other vendor-supplied data such as expiration date, count, and version. For Mentor this file can be downloaded from the support center. After getting the license file, you have to customize the first two lines:
SERVER srv02 98BE9429134A 5280
DAEMON cdslmd /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/lmtools-v11-7-0-0/bin/cdslmd PORT=5281

SERVER srv02 98BE9429134A 1717
DAEMON mgcld /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/mgls_v9-16_5-1-0.ixl/bin PORT=1718

NOTE The server name (srv02 or IP) should be the same as the hostname.

NOTE In CentOS 7 pretty much all ports are shut by default. So typically the DAEMON line doesn't have a port assigned so it picks an available free port but in CentOS 7, you have to specifically assign one using the PORT= argument and open that port in the firewall.

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=5280/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=5281/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=1717/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=1718/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

IMPORTANT NOTE Keep the cdslmd version same as that provided originally with the license file else some applications may fail.

  • Current license files located at
  • /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/licFiles and /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/licFiles
  • The current used license files are symbolic linked to:
  • /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/license-current.dat and /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/license-current.dat

Script for Automatically Starting the License Server

  • For reasons of security, the lmgrd daemon should not be started as root. For the autostart of the license server script cdslic/mgclic, a username of the same name is created as follows:
  • useradd -u 65535 -g 65534 -d / -s /bin/sh -c "License Server" cdslic The account has same group ID as user ‘nobody', which limits the acess to system and network resources. Strongly advised not make this a NIS user account.
  • As root change the password to a strong one.
  • Since this is a non-priviledged user, make sure it can access the license file in read mode and the log file in read-write mode.
  • Therefore, change the group of the log file /var/tmp/lmgrd.log to 65534 ie.:
  • #chgrp 65534 /var/tmp/lmgrd.log
  • #chown cdslic /var/tmp/lmgrd.log

NOTE: The following method does not apply to CentOS 7.

  • Add the scripts cdslic/mgclic (Cadence/Mentor) in /etc/init.d and
  • change the permissions to rwxr-xr-x: #chmod 755 /etc/init.d/[cdslic/mgclic]
  • cd /etc/init.d and add the run level info to the system services #/sbin/chkconfig --add [cdslic/mgclic]
  • To verify it will run at the desired levels: $/sbin/chkconfig --list [cdslic/mgclic]
  • In the script you'll find #chkconfig: 345 99 30. The values represent the run levels (3,4,5), the start order (99) and the stop order (30). DO NOT remove the commnet (#) from this line.
  • NOTE: not only this script starts on boot but also shuts down gracefully during shutdown. You can also start, stop, restart, query, etc. the server with the script. The command syntax is:
  • service cdslic {start | stop | restart | status | lmver} where:
  • start: starts the server
  • stop: stops the server
  • status: status of the server
  • restart: restarts the server
  • lmver: Version of flexnet


  • In order to check-in licenses that are sitting idle for a period of time, a file named in the format <vendor-daemon>.opt, cdslmd.opt and mgcld.opt are placed in /CAD/licenseServers/cadence and /CAD/licenseServers/mentor for Cadence and Menotr repectively, with the following option:
    # Comment
  • This ensures all license features that are capable of TIMEOUT, are checked-in after 3600 secs (1 hour) of idle time.
  • A detail description of it can be found at the Cadence Support


  • To remove a license from a user or a zombie process (do a lmstat and get all the info):
$lmremove <feature> <user> <host> <display>
$lmremove Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_XL amishra DT-005 :0.0
  • Other useful commands:


$setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 5280@VLSI-SRV-001
$setenv CDS_LIC_LICENSE 5280@VLSI-SRV-001
$set path (/CAD/IC616/tools.lnx86/bin:$path)

Setting up a Project

    • Create an user for each project using the convention of starting letter p eg. pvolta
    • Change umask in .cshrc to 027 so files created by pvolta cannot be read by others.
    • create the project directory: /home/nfs1/projects/VOLTA/REV1/work
    • Change projects owner and group of VOLTA directory and underneath to pvolta
    • The work directory should have g=swrx,t+ for pvolta group so users in pvolta group can create project area under this directory but they cannot delete the work directory and all the newly created files/directory by project users will have their file groups with the original group of the directory so all users in the group pvolta can share files.
      • # chmod g=swrx,+t work
      • s sets the setgid bit for the directory. When set on a directory, the setgid bit causes newly created files within the directory to take on the group ownership of the directory ie. pvolta rather than the default/primary group of the user that created it. This makes it easier to share the directory among several users, as long as they belong to the same group. This one is especially useful for shared project directory.
      • +t keeps the dir work sticky, the filesystem won't allow you to delete or rename it unless you are the owner. Just write permission is not enough. This way users in the ‘pvolta' group will not be able to delete it, only the creator.
      • For more on setgid and sticky bits, see Section 5.5 (p-132) in Nemeth-LinuxSysAdmin-5e-2017
    • Now you can create the master work area with the user pvolta using the siproj script.
      • For other users, first include them in the project group eg. pvolta
    • Assign quota for the project directory. See quota section
    • Steps to get a project setup so users can use the siproj script to setup a project area.
    • Create an entry in /CAD/apps7/bin/training.list.
      • project.list for projects.
    • Check the script /CAD/apps/bin/siproj for any customization needed.
    • Create the modulefile in /CAD/apps7/modulefiles/projects
    • Create an alias for it in /CAD/apps7/etc/silicon.csh
      • silicon.csh soft linked in /etc/profile.d
    • For Cadence:
      • Create a cdsinit file eg. /CAD/apps7/etc/
      • Create a cds.lib file eg. /CAD/apps7/etc/cds-VOLTA-REV1.lib
      • Create dummyLibs (optional) for a tree-like library in LibManager. eg. /CAD/apps7/etc/dummyLibs/TeslaRev1Libs


  • Redhat Doc on Users/Groups
  • Range of UID/GID, umask,etc are set in /etc/login.defs
  • Password aging can be set with chage
  • The GUI for user management is Users
  • See Redhat Doc on Users/Groups for command-line utilities for user/group management.
  • A good article on Unix Groups from Princeton's CS Dept.
  • Shared Directory: eg /home/local/simulation. Created a group called localsim which will consists of all users allowed to share the directory.
    • # chgrp localsim /home/local/simulation
    • # chmod g=swrx,+t /home/local/simulation
      • s sets the setgid bit for the directory. When set on a directory, the setgid bit causes newly created files within the directory to take on the group ownership of the directory rather than the default/primary group of the user that created it. This makes it easier to share the directory among several users, as long as they belong to the same group. This one is especially useful for shared project directory.
      • +t keeps the dir sticky, the filesystem won't allow you to delete or rename it unless you are the owner. Just write permission is not enough. This way users in the ‘localsim' group will not be able to delete it, only the creator.
      • For more on setgid and sticky bits, see Section 5.5 (p-132) in Nemeth-LinuxSysAdmin-5e-2017



  • # yum -y install ypserv rpcbind
  • # ypdomainname
  • Add to /etc/sysconfig/network
  • Ignored the /var/yp/securenet instruction. Was probably creating a problem where I had to restart rpcbind everytime there was an update to the server.
  • Add the server and the clients' IP address for NIS database to /etc/hosts srv01 dt042
  • #systemctl start {rpcbind, ypserv, ypxfrd, yppasswdd}
  • #systemctl enable {rpcbind, ypserv, ypxfrd, yppasswdd}
  • Upadate NIS database: #/usr/lib64/yp/ypinit -m
    • Add the list of NIS servers :
    • ‘Ctrl+D' to end the list of servers.
  • This will build the database in /var/yp/<DOMAINNAME>
    • If you have slave servers: run # ypinit -s srv01 on all slave servers.
  • Now when you add an user to the local server srv01, update NIS database:
    • # make -C /var/yp
  • To allow ports in the firewall, add the following to /etc/sysconfig/network
YPSERV_ARGS="-p 944"
YPSERV_ARGS="-p 945"
  • Add YPPASSWD_ARGS="--port 946 to /etc/sysconfig/yppasswdd
  • # systemctl restart rpcbind ypserv ypxfrd yppasswdd
  • Open the ports in firewall:
# firewall-cmd --add-service=rpc-bind --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-port=944/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-port=944/udp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-port=945/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-port=945/udp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-port=946/udp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload


  • # yum install ypbind rpcbind
  • # yum ypdomainname
  • Add to /etc/sysconfig/network
  • # authconfig --enablenis --update
    • Note If the homedirs are NFS mounted, then no need to use the option --mkhomedir
  • # systemctl start rpcbind ypbind
  • # systemctl enable rpcbind ypbind
  • Type ypwhich to see what NIS server is the client binding to.
  • To change passwd in the client, use yppasswd
  • Note Ignored the instruction on how to enable automatic creation of homedir for SELinux enabled linux. For NFS mounted homedir, mkhomedir does not work so I don't think this appies to NFS mounted homedirs.

NFS Share

Important Files for NFS Configuration

  • /etc/exports: Its a main configuration file of NFS, all exported files and directories are defined in this file at the NFS Server end.
  • /etc/fstab: To mount a NFS directory on your system across the reboots, we need to make an entry in /etc/fstab.
  • /etc/sysconfig/nfs: Configuration file of NFS to control on which port rpc and other services are listening. NOTE In our setup, we just use the default options.

Configuring and starting a NFS Server on CentOS 7

  • NOTE The CentOS 7 installation was done with base installation of File Server with GUI so most needed packages were already installed.
  • Install the necessary packages: #yum -y install nfs-utils
  • Change owner and group of the NFS share: #chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody /home/nfs1
    • This is for security so if there is breach through NFS the user nfsnobody has no shell.
  • Enable NFS port (2049/tcp and 2049/udp) through the firewall
    • # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=2049/tcp
    • # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=2049/udp
    • # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=nfs
    • # firewall-cmd --reload
  • Enable the NFS services so they start at boot:
    • #systemctl enable {nfs-server, rpcbind, nfs-lock, nfs-idmap}
  • Start the NFS services:
    • #systemctl start {nfs-server, rpcbind, nfs-lock, nfs-idmap}
  • Note that most of this service may already be running based on your base installation. So you can check the status and restart the m appropriately:
    • #systemctl status/restart <service>
  • Add the share directories to /etc/exports:
/home/nfs1      *,async,no_subtree_check)
/home/nfs2      *,async,no_subtree_check)
  • The NFS Options:
    • rw: Allows client R/W access.
    • async: This option allows the clients to write to the files before they are written to the disk. It will improve speed but may have problems with two clients writing simulataneosly. See this post for details.
    • no_subtree_check: This option prevents the subtree checking. When a shared directory is the subdirectory of a larger file system, nfs performs scans of every directory above it, in order to verify its permissions and details. Disabling the subtree check may increase the reliability of NFS, but reduce security.
    • no_root_squash: Root access allowed for mounted directories.
      • Note For the NIS user systems, this feature is NOT enabled for scurity purpose. All the access control/permission are done on the host server.
      • For the secure VM where the restricted users are created on the VM only without any other NIS user access, the project file system is allowed root access to avoid duplicating users in the host system.
    • If the export is through kerberos then you need option sec=sys:krb5p FIXME Need to research more.

NFS Client

  • Test mounting the share.. eg. : #mount -t nfs srv01:/home/nfs1 /home/nfs1
  • If all works add the mounts to /etc/fstab:
srv01:/home/nfs1        /home/nfs1      nfs     noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768
srv01:/home/nfs2        /home/nfs2      nfs     noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768

Troubleshooting NFS

  • #mount -v ... will output debug information
  • On the server # iptables -S | grep 2049 will show if the NFS ports are in the firewall rules.
  • # rpcinfo -p <server/client> will show all the RPC port info. Check if NFS port is open.
  • If rpcinfo shows no route to host probably port is not open in the firewall or network routing issues.
  • # route -n to check the network route.


Creating a Mirror using rsync

This section will walk you through the steps of mirroring a server directory eg. srv01:/CAD in a second file server eg. srv03:/CAD to create a mirror of the same.


  • Make sure rsync is installed in both the linux servers: yum install rsync
  • Configure rsync daemon by editing /etc/rsyncd.conf on the destination server:
# any name you like
# destination directory for copy
path = /CAD
# hosts you allow to access
hosts allow = <IP ADDRESS OF SOURCE>
hosts deny = *
list = true
uid = root
gid = root
read only = false
  • Befor starting the daemon, open the port 873/tcp and the service rsynd :
    • # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=rsyncd`
    • # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=873/tcp
    • # firewall-cmd --reload
  • Start and enable the daemon :
    • # systemctl start rsyncd
    • # systemctl enable rsyncd


  • # rsync -avz --delete /CAD/ <IPADDR/HOSTNAME DESTINATION>:/CAD
    • NOTE Looks like I can sync to any directory not just the one in path in /etc/rsyncd.conf
    • It's important to have the directory end in / ie. /CAD/ instead of /CAD. The later will get synced to destination /CAD/CAD
  • You can include the above in a crontab for scheduled syncing.
  • For eaxample: To sync everyday at 4AM, the crontab entry will loke like this:
    • 00 04 * * * rsync -avz --delete /CAD/ <IPADDR/HOSTNAME DESTINATION>:/CAD > /var/log/rsync-cad.log 2> /var/log/rsync-cad.err




  • The instructions are from this Redhat doc
  • XFS quotas are enabled at mount time, with specific mount options. Each mount option can also be specified as noenforce; this allows usage reporting without enforcing any limits. Valid quota mount options are:
    • uquota/uqnoenforce: User quotas
    • gquota/gqnoenforce: Group quotas
    • pquota/pqnoenforce: Project quota
  • An example of an entry in /etc/fstab:
    • /dev/mapper/nfs-home_NFS /home/nfs1 xfs defaults,uquota,gquota,pquota 0 0
  • To set a block limit for an user (say 500MB for user1):
    • # xfs_quota -x -c 'limit -u bsoft=400m bhard=500m user1' /home/nfs1
    • To set a group limit (say 500MB for the ENTIRE group eng), use the above command with the exeception: -g and eng instead of -u and user1
  • Setting Project Limits:
    • Before configuring limits for project-controlled directories, add them first to /etc/projects. Project names can be added to /etc/projectid to map project IDs to project names. Once a project is added to /etc/projects, initialize its project directory using the following command:
      • # xfs_quota -x -c 'project -s projectname' project_path
    • Quotas for projects with initialized directories can then be configured, with:
      • xfs_quota -x -c 'limit -p bsoft=1000m bhard=1200m projectname'
      • Example from the man page:
 # mount -o prjquota /dev/xvm/var /var
 # echo 42:/var/log >> /etc/projects
 # echo logfiles:42 >> /etc/projid
 # xfs_quota -x -c 'project -s logfiles' /var
 # xfs_quota -x -c 'limit -p bhard=1g logfiles' /var
- Same as above without the need of config file:
# rm -f /etc/projects /etc/projid
# mount -o prjquota /dev/xvm/var /var
# xfs_quota -x -c 'project -s -p /var/log 42' /var
# xfs_quota -x -c 'limit -p bhard=1g 42' /var
  • Reporting Quota Limits:
    • $ quota -su username
    • # xfs_quota -x -c 'report -uh' /home/nfs1 | sort -k 2 -n
      • Reports users on /home/nfs1 and sorts them numerically (-n) based on the second field (-k 2) which is space used by the user.
      • Use -g and -p instead of -u for reporting groups and projects.
    • # xfs_quota -x -c 'disable -uv' /home/nfs1 : temporarily disable quota
    • # xfs_quota -x -c 'off -ugpv' /home/nfs1 : permanently disable quota Ref from here



Setting up SVN server in the cloud

  • The following instructions are for AWS lightsail CentOS7 instance.
  • This setup will use the svn+ssh protocol.
  • sudo yum install subversion
  • Create an user for the svn server eg. svn
  • Create a repo directory eg. /home/svn/repos
  • Create your svn repo in that directory:
    • sudo svnadmin create <svnrepo>
  • For better security, the password will be diabaled for SSH. See here on how to security harden a VM.
  • Include the client's (PuTTy/ssh/etc) public key to /home/svn/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • When using the svn+ssh protocol, the svnserve daemon will automatically start during the svn connection so need to setup the svn server.
  • From a Linux Client, you can list the repo: svn list svn+ssh://svn@<publicIP>/home/svn/repos/<svnrepo>
  • To checkout the repo: svn checkout svn+ssh://svn@<publicIP>/home/svn/repos/<svnrepo>

Frequently Used Commands

  • svn add <file> to add a file in the repo.
  • svn commit -m "comments" to commit/push changes to the server.
  • svn revert <file> to cancel a commit.

Deleting Old Revisions

  • svnadmin <path-to-repo> -r <first-rev:last-rev> > <dumpFile>
    • This will create a dump file for the given range of revisions. eg.
    • sudo svnadmin /home/svn/repos/tesla_svn -r 72:74 > tesla_svn_dump
  • svnadmin <path-to-new-repo>
  • svnadmin load <path-to-new-repo> < <dumpFile>

Basic Work Cycle

  • svn update Update your work area.
  • Make your changes.
    • When making changes to binary files (eg. EDA files), lock the file using svn lock so other's can't edit while you are making changes.
    • It's not necessary to lock text-based files. Subversion is smart enough to figure out the changes and merge them.
  • If you need to add, remove, copy or move files and directories, the svn add, svn delete, svn copy, and svn move commands handle those sorts of structural changes within the working copy.
  • While updating or commiting if there is a conflict, use svn resolve to resolve those issues.
  • Finally, commit the changes as shown above.


Setting up VM in CentOS 7 using KVM

  • Useful Resource:
  • Essentially followed this great blog
  • When installing the CentOS 7, if you choose the Virtualization along with a Display Manager (Gnome, KDE) then you can skip the following:
    • # yum install qemu-kvm qemu-img virt-manager libvirt libvirt-python libvirt-client virt-install virt-viewer bridge-utils
    • # systemctl start libvirtd
    • systemctl enable libvirtd
    • lsmod | grep kvm To check if KVM module is loaded or not.
    • yum install "@X Window System" xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-fonts-* xorg-x11-utils -y if Mimimal install without X.
  • Before starting the Virtual Manager, configure the network bridge.
  • In this installation our host has multiple ethernet ports so we are going to dedicate one of the ports to the Virtual machine so the Virtual Machine looks as part of the host network instead of the default VMs behind a virtual NAT. This also does a nice load balancing on the ports. This part took some searching to get it working. Check this Blog.
  • Easiest way to configure the new one is to copy a working config and change the IP address (if static) and UUID.
    • cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
    • cp ifcfg-em2 ~/baks/ifcfg-em2-orig : backup the original file.
      • NOTE Do not copy backups in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts since the Network Manager reads all the files and will make a mess of the network.
    • cp ifcfg-em1 ifcfg-em2
    • Update the unique params:
  • Create the bridge interface /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0
  • sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
  • Check the interfaces ip a:
3: em2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master br0 state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:00:00:00:62:3a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
6: br0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global noprefixroute br0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  • sudo virt-namanger : Start the Virtual Manager.
  • Choose the ISO image to start isntallation.
  • Choose Memory and CPUs.
  • For storage, A LVM partition in the host was used which was mounted on say /home/vm1
    • Select "enable storage for this virtual machine"
    • Select "Select or create custom storage" and click Manage
    • "Choose Storage Volume" dialog box will pop up. Click the "+" sign.
    • Give a name say vm1-pool and choos type dir:Filesystem Directory and click Forward
    • Browse to the mounted directory /home/vm1 and click Finish
    • Now you should see the volume vm2-pool in the Volume manager.
    • Select the volume and click the "+" sign
    • Give a name and select format (default "qcow2") and choose the size.
    • Now choose the volume and start the installation.
  • After system reboot, from the VM console click "Show Virtual Hardware Detail" (A light bulb sign)
    • Click the "NIC" hardware
    • Choose Bridge br0 Network source.
    • Device Model : virtio
  • After installation the network is going to be in DHCP mode, use nmtui to change it static and provide a inique IP address eg
  • Follow the steps on creating a new desktop to complete the setup.

Cloning a Virtual Machine

  • Easiest way to create a quick clone is to use the virt-manager, right-click on the VM (that is shutdown) and click "Clone".
  • Use defaults to create an exact clone but with the a seprate hardisk on the same directory as one used above.
  • Power up the clone first and change the Hostname and IP Address. Everything else should run as the parent VM.

Super Secure Workstation

In some enterprise-y projects, very secure computing workstation are required to protect propreitery information. Some key required specs for this workstation:

  • No internet access from the workstation.
  • Only allowed users to access sensitive information
  • If files system is mounted, it should be done so exclusively with equal restrictions on the file server as well.
  • Close all ports (ssh/scp/etc) except required ones.
  • Access the workstation only through VNC with any copying disabled.


Use nmtui to remove the Gateway and DNS servers and reboot.


Disable NIS (If enabled):

  • sudo systemctl disable ypbind rpcbind
  • sudo systemctl stop ypbind rpcbind


The server from which the mount point is mounted, the internet should also be disabled for it and all user access to be disabled as well. The share that is to mounted also should have permission 750 to disable any user access. When exported from /etc/exports it is restricted to the IP address of the secure workstation ie.


Add the mount in /etc/fstab:

srv03:/home/nfs4  /mntsec  nfs  noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768


Tags: #xserver #vncserver

Useful Links


  • NOTE LXDE display manager is not available on the CentOS repo.
  • Install the Extra Package of Enterprise Liux (EPEL): $sudo yum install epel-release
  • Install XFCE display manager: $sudo yum groupinstall xfce


  • Install firewalld, enable it and reboot:
   $sudo yum install firewalld
   $sudo systemctl enable firewalld
   $sudo reboot
  • Check the firewall running status: $sudo firewall-cmd --state
  • Install tigervnc server: $sudo yum install tigervnc-server
  • Login to the user you want the server on and set the passwd: $vncpasswd
  • Add a VNC service configuration file by copying an template:
   $sudo cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service  /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service
  • Edit the above service file to replace <USER> with the username.
  • Now start the daemon and enable the service for system wide use:
   $sudo systemctl daemon-reload
   $sudo systemctl start vncserver@:1
   $sudo systemctl status vncserver@:1
   $sudo systemctl enable vncserver@:1
  • To list the open ports listening to Xvnc: $ss -tulpn | grep -i vnc
  • Then allow the appropriate ports in the firewall to access it:
   $sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=5901/tcp
   $sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=5901/tcp --permanent
  • Probably a good idea to reboot now.
  • Connect using a client (TightVNC/RealVNC/etc) with the Remote Host as <IP ADDR>:5901 or simply <IP ADDR>:1



Peer-to-Peer VPN using tinc

SETUP on CentOS 7

  • Mostly followed this blog on Digital Ocean. Note: The blog is for Ubuntu 18.04
  • The setup was done on two linux machines: VM on cloud (docosvm01) and a server behind a firewall (vlsisrv02), both running CentOS 7.
  • Install tinc on both the machines: sudo yum install tinc
    • Make sure the epel repo is enabled.
  • The setup's goal is to have docosvm01 listen to connect requests from other clients eg. vlsisrv02. Primary reason being the VM has public address which avoids any NAT problems. The clients can be behind a NAT without any issues.
  • Create the configuration directory on both the machines (tincvpn1 is name for this VPN conn):
    • sudo mkdir -p /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/hosts
  • Create the config file /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/tinc.conf with the following content:
Name = docosvm01
AddressFamily = ipv4
Interface = tun0

IMPORTANT NOTE: The interface Name (docosvm01) has to different from the hostname.

  • Create a host config file (name same as above Name) /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/hosts/docosvm01 with the following content:
Address = <Public IP of the VM>
Subnet =
  • sudo tincd -n tincvpn1 -K4096 : create the public/private pair keys
    • Choose the default options. The public key will get autimatically appended to the host file.
  • Create the link-up script /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/tinc-up :
ip link set $INTERFACE up
ip addr add dev $INTERFACE
ip route add dev $INTERFACE
  • Create the link-down script /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/tinc-down :
ip route del dev $INTERFACE
ip addr del dev $INTERFACE
ip link set $INTERFACE down
  • sudo chmod 755 /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/tinc-*
  • Open the port 655 (not sure which so opened both tcp/udp):
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=655/udp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=655/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
sudo firewall-cmd --list-port

For Ubuntu you can use ufw: sudo ufw allow 655/tcp ; sudo ufw reload

  • Confiuring the Client vlsisrv02:
  • sudo mkdir -p /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/hosts
  • /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/tinc.conf:
Name = vlsisrv02
AddressFamily = ipv4
Interface = tun0
ConnectTo = docosvm01
  • /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/hosts/vlsisrv02:
Subnet =
  • sudo tincd -n tincvpn1 -K4096 : Create key pairs.

  • /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/tinc-up:

ip link set $INTERFACE up
ip addr add dev $INTERFACE
ip route add dev $INTERFACE
  • /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/tinc-down:
ip route del dev $INTERFACE
ip addr del dev $INTERFACE
ip link set $INTERFACE down
  • sudo chmod 755 /etc/tinc/tincvpn1/tinc-*
  • Open the ports 655:
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=655/udp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=655/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
sudo firewall-cmd --list-port
  • Distributing the Keys
  • If the SSH keys are used between the servers, make sure the public keys are appropriately added in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Using scp, copy:
    • docosvm01:/etc/tinc/tincvpn1/hosts/docosvm01 to vlsisrv02:/etc/tinc/tincvpn1/hosts/
    • vlsisrv02:/etc/tinc/tincvpn1/hosts/vlsisrv02 to docosvm01:/etc/tinc/tincvpn1/hosts/
    • Note: Although the blog suggests to change the public IP of docosvm01 to the VPN subnet IP, you don't have to.
  • Testing the setup:
    • sudo tincd -n netname -D -d3 on both the servers will start the daemon in foreground (-D) in verbose debug mode (-d3).
    • If it runs successfully you can ping from docosvm01
  • sudo systemctl start tinc@tincvpn1 will start the daemon in the background.
  • sudo systemctl enable tinc@tincvpn1 will start the daemon at startup. FIXME presently not starting at boot.


  • If you want to add another server say docosvm02 for peer-to-peer access to the same client vlsisrv02:
  • Setup docosvm02 just like docosvm01 above.
  • Add ‘ConnectTo' to the vlsisrv02:/etc/tinc/tincvpn1/tinc.conf to include docosvm02 as well:
Name = vlsisrv02
AddressFamily = ipv4
Interface = tun0
ConnectTo = docosvm01
ConnectTo = docosvm02
  • Copy the keys: docosvm02:/etc/tinc/tincvpn1/hosts/docosvm02 to vlsisrv02:/etc/tinc/tincvpn1/hosts/

  • Restart tinc on vlsisrv02: sudo systemctl restart tinc@tincvpn1
  • If all goes well, that's it!


  • See this site for step-by-step instruction on how to setup a PPTP VPN connection from CentOS 7.

SETUP on CentOS 7

  • Followed this blog to setup the VPN
  • Install PPTP: sudo yum install pptp pptp-setup
  • Configuration: sudo pptpsetup –create bmt-229 –server [server address] –username [username] –password [pwd] –encrypt
  • This command will create a file named bmt-229 under /etc/ppp/peers/ with server info written inside.
  • This command will also write your username and password into /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
  • Register the ppp_mppe kernel module: sudo modprobe ppp_mppe
  • Register the nf_conntrack_pptp kernel module: sudo modprobe nf_conntrack_pptp


  • Connect to VPN PPTP: sudo pppd call config
  • It will establish PPTP VPN connection. You can type command ip a | grep ppp to find the connection name (e.g. ppp0). No return indicates connection failure.
  • If any error, you can look into /var/log/messages for log info
  • Check IP routing table info: route -n
  • Add Network Segment to current connection:
    • route add -net netmask dev ppp0
  • You can now ping the destination to check the access
  • Disconnect the VPN: sudo killall pppd

EDA Tools



  • After installation run the patch test:
    • <INSTALL-DIR>/tools.lnx86/bin/checkSysConf IC6.1.8
    • Required packages: glibc, elfutils-libelf, ksh, mesa-libGL, mesa-libGLU, motif, libXp, libpng, libjpeg-turbo, expat, glibc-devel, gdb, xorg-x11-fonts-misc, xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi7.5, redhat-lsb, libXscrnSaver, apr, apr-util, compat-db47, xorg-x11-server-Xvfb, mesa-dri-drivers, openssl-devel


  • NOTE MMSIM is no longer supported by Cadence. It's SPECTRE. But we don't have the license for it.
  • Used the previous installation MMSIM15.1 and seems to work without any extra patches/pkgs.


  • NOTE We DO NOT HAVE licenses for SPECTRE right now. And Cadence doesn't support MMSIM anymore. So need to use the old installation.
  • Installed Spectre (21.1) using iScape
  • Read the Relase Notes from iScape.
  • Run checkSysConf to check the OS, packages, patches, etc needed to run Spectre

iverilog and gtkwave

  • NOTE The following instruction is for installing iverilog and gtkwave from the CentOS 7 EPEL repo. So it needs to be installed in each desktop seprately.
  • Add EPEL (if not already) repo to the installer: sudo yum install epel-release
  • sudo yum install iverilog
  • sudo yum install gtkwave
  • To compile simple verilog module and it's testbench: say mydut.v and tb_mydut.v
    • iverilog -o tb_mydut.vvp mydut.v tb_mydut.v : Compile the verilog codes and create an output tb_mydut.vvp
    • vvp tb_mydut.vvp : Convert the compiled output to a VCD format for GTKWave.
    • gtkwave dump.vcd : Note: the filename dump.vcd is assumed to be in tb_mydut.v

Setting up a Local YUM repository


  • This ISO contains the Base, Extra and Update packages.
  • Download the ISO: curl -O <centOS-mirror>/CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-2009.iso
  • Mount it:
    • sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-2009.iso /mnt/centos7
  • Install httpd and createrepo
    • sudo yum install httpd createrepo yum-utils -y
  • Create a directory to store your RPM packages
    • sudo mkdir -p /home/local/centOS7-repos/centos7_2009_x86_64
  • Copy all the RPM packages from the monted directory to the above dirsctory.
  • Generate metadata for the repo:
    • sudo createrepo /home/local/centOS7-repos/centos7_2009_x86_64
  • Create a symbolic link to the /var/www/html:
    • sudo ln -s /home/local/centOS7-repos/centos7_2009_x86_64 /var/www/html/repos/centos7_2009_x86_64
  • Configure Apache
    • sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following block to configure your repository directory:
<Directory "/var/www/html/repos">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted
  • Restart the Apache service to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd
  • Configure Firewall
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  • Ensure SELinux Context (if enabled):
    • sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/repos
  • Create a Repository Configuration File On the client machines (or on the server if you want to test locally), create a repository configuration file to point to your local repository. -sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo
    • Add the following content:
name=Local Repository
  • Test the Repository You can now test the repository by clearing the yum cache and attempting to install a package from your local repository.
sudo yum clean all
sudo yum repolist
sudo yum install <package_name>


  • sudo mkdir -p /home/local/centOS7-repo
  • sudo reposync -r epel -p /home/local/centOS7-repo --download-metadata
  • sudo createrepo /home/local/centOS7-repo/epel
    • NOTE When running yum on a client machine you get a HTTP 404 error, create metadata again by running the above command again.
  • sudo ln -s /home/local/centOS7-repo /var/www/html/repos/epel
  • sudo systemctl restart https
  • sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/repos/epel
  • /etc/yum.repos.d/local-epel.repo:
name=Local EPEL Repo
  • Clean cache:
sudo yum clean all
sudo yum repolist

Changing Clients to Local YUM REPO

  • Move existing files from /etc/yum.repos.d to a backup location.
  • Create file /etc/yum.repos.d/everything-local.repo and add the following:
name=Local Everything (Base Update Extra) Repo
  • Create file /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-local.repo and add the following:
name=Local EPEL Repo
  • Clean cache, create repolist and check the repo:
sudo yum clean all
sudo yum repolist
sudo yum update

Disabling Internet Access

  • sudo nmtui and remove the Gateway and DNS Server(s)

Creating a Kickstart USB Boot Media

  • Automatic Install Doc from Redhat
  • After a manual insallation, Anaconda records the steps in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg
  • Download the CentOS iso to say /root/
  • # mount -o loop /root/centos7x64.iso /mnt/
  • Create a working directory and copy the DVD content to it. For example:
# mkdir /root/centos-install/
# shopt -s dotglob
# cp -avRf /mnt/* /root/centos-install/
  • # umount /mnt/
  • Edit the kickstart file anaconda-ks-desktop.cfg which contains all installation and post-install confguration, mainly:
    • Set the network (NOTE the IP address and hostname is set to a temporary one)
    • Add all extra packages in the %package section
    • Add post-installation script:
      • Append /etc/hosts
      • Create mount points for NFS mounts
      • Append /etc/fstab with NFS mounts
      • ln -s /CAD/apps7/etc/silicon.csh /etc/profile.d/.
      • Setup NIS client
      • make local directory
  • $ksvalidator anaconda-ks-desktop.cfg
  • # cp /root/anakonda-ks.cfg /root/centos-install/
  • Replace white space with \x20 :
# isoinfo -d -i rhel-server-7.3-x86_64-dvd.iso |\
  grep "Volume id" |\
  sed -e 's/Volume id: //' -e 's/ /\\x20/g
  • Add a new menu entry to the boot /root/centos-install/isolinux/isolinux.cfg file that uses the Kickstart file. The LABEL is the output from the previous command. For example:
label kickstart
menu label ^Kickstart Installation of CentOS 7
kernel vmlinuz

append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 \
  • For USB UEFI boot, edit the grub.cfg
  • Mount the volume: # mount /root/centos-install/images/efiboot.img /mnt/
  • Add a new menu entry to /mnt/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg
menuentry 'Kickstart Installation of CentOS 7' \
          --class fedora --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
        linuxefi /images/pxeboot/vmlinuz inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 \
        initrdefi /images/pxeboot/initrd.img
  • umount /mnt
  • Create the ISO NOTE: The volume Id has the original spaces instead of of \x20
# mkisofs -untranslated-filenames -volid "CentOS 7 x86_64" \
  -J -joliet-long -rational-rock -translation-table -input-charset utf-8 \
  -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot \
  -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot \
  -e images/efiboot.img -no-emul-boot -o /root/centos-ks.iso \
  -graft-points /root/centos-install/
  • Make it bootable: # isohybrid --uefi centos-ks.iso
  • Make a bootable USB: # dd if=centos-ks.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=512k
    • NOTE WRITE TO PARENT DEVICE eg. /dev/sdb and NOT /dev/sdb1




  • The Advanced VLSI Lab now is under a new VLAN with the following broad assignment:
    • Training Lab:
    • Advanced VLSI Lab:
    • DHCP:
    • Servers: :
      • SRV01: em1: 11.221 (File Server), em2: 11.222 (License Server)
      • SRV02: em1: 11.229, em2<-br0: 11.230, em3: --, em4: --
        • vm01: eth0<-br0 : 11.231 Secured Server (5C/10T/32G/220G)
        • vm02: eth0<-br0 : 11.232 Staff Server (5C/10T/32G/220G)
      • SRV03: en02: --, en03: 11.237, en04: --, en05: --
    • Aruba WiFi Access Point: 11.250
    • 11.251-253 is unused.
    • Gateway:
    • DNS:,
  • Domain Name:
    • :


graph TD; srv01[(srv01: NAS/NFS/NIS/License <br/> /home/nfs1 <br/> /home/nfs2 <br/> /CAD <br/> /PDK)]; srv03[(srv03: NAS/NFS <br/> /home/nfs3 <br/> /home/nfs4 <br/> srv01:/CAD -> /cad/CAD1 <br/> srv01:/PDK -> /cad/PDK1)]; srv02[ srv02: Compute/LicenseSrv <br/> srv01:/home/nfs1 <br/> srv01:/home/nfs2 <br/> srv01:/CAD <br/> srv01:/PDK <br/> srv03:/home/nfs3 -> /CAD2 <br/> srv03:/home/nfs4 -> /CAD3 <br/> **** VIRTUAL MACHINES ***** <br/> vm1-srv02: 5C/10T/32G Secure Server <br/> vm2-srv02: 5C/10T/32G Faculty Server ]; voltaLab[VoltaLab: 30 Desktops <br/> srv01:/home/nfs1 <br/> srv01:/home/nfs2 <br/> srv03:/cad/CAD1 -> /CAD <br/> srv03:/cad/PDK1 -> /PDK <br/> srv03:/home/nfs3 -> /CAD2 <br/> srv03:/home/nfs4 -> /CAD3]; neumannLab[NeumannLab: 12 Desktops <br/> srv01:/home/nfs1 <br/> srv01:/home/nfs2 <br/> srv01:/CAD <br/> srv01:/PDK <br/> srv03:/home/nfs3 -> /CAD2 <br/> srv03:/home/nfs4 -> /CAD3]; srv01 --NFS--> neumannLab; srv01 --NFS--> srv02; srv01 --NFS--> voltaLab; srv03 --NFS--> voltaLab; srv03 --NFS--> srv02; srv03 --NFS--> neumannLab;


  • Primary NFS file server.
  • /CAD and /PDK are mounted in the NeumannLab (training), srv02 and vm2-srv02.
  • VoltaLab (Adv VLSI Lab) uses srv03 to mount /CAD and /PDK
  • FIXME: Remove NIS from this server.

NFS Partitions

Mount Size Mount Points Lab/Server Purpose
/home/nfs1 250G /home/nfs1 All Staff homeDir, projects
/home/nfs2 100G /home/nfs2 All training (users, workarea)
/CAD 650G /CAD trainingLab, srv02, vm2-srv02 CAD Tools
/PDK 270G /PDK trainingLab, srv02, vm2-srv02 PDKs


Mount Size Purpose
swap 8G 0.5xRAM-size Recommendation
/boot 1.5G Boot files
/boot/efi 0.5G EFI boot files
/(root) 125G CentOS 7 installation files
/home 25G Local home dir
/var 25G log,etc
/home/local 400G local mount (sims, archive, etc)

  • Server with 20 Xeon Cores (40T) and 128GB RAM.
  • Cadence and Siemens (Mentor) License Servers.
Mount Size Purpose
swap 16G >4G Recommendation
/boot 1.5G Boot files
/boot/efi 0.5G EFI boot files
/(root) 125G CentOS 7 installation files
/home 100G Local home dir
/var 50G log,etc
/home/local 500G local mount (sims, etc)
/home/virt1 250G HDD for vm1-srv02
/home/virt2 250G HDD for vm2-srv02
/home/virt3 250G Reserved for VMs
/home/virt4 250G Reserved for VMs

  • Second file server (This is the oldest file server with a new motherboard and HDDs)
  • /cad/CAD1 is rsynced from srv01:/CAD
  • /cad/PDK1 is rsynced from srv01:/PDK
  • It's used as a shadow server which mirrors srv01. Currently only /CAD and /PDK are mirrored (rsynced). These are only mounted on VoltaLab (Adv VLSI) workstations.
Mount Size Purpose
swap 8G 0.5xRAM-size Recommendation
/boot 1.5G Boot files
/boot/efi 0.5G EFI boot files
/(root) 125G CentOS 7 installation files
/home 25G Local home dir
/var 25G log,etc
/home/local 200G local mount (sims, etc)
/pdk 100G rsync: srv01:/PDK -> srv03:/pdk/PDK1
/cad 400G rsync: srv01:/CAD -> srv03:/cad/CAD1
/home/nfs3 100G Synopsys Tools mounted as <client>:/CAD2
/home/nfs4 100G Synopsys Tools mounted as <client>:/CAD3



  • Installing and using the authconfig GUI (NOTE authconfig-tui is deprecated)
    • # yum install authconfig-gtk
    • Launch it: #system-config-authentication NOTE command takes effect after quiting GUI.
    • Redhat documentation
  • Installing cockpit on CentOS 7:
# yum install cockpit
# systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=cockpit
# firewall-cmd --reload


FreeIPA is an integrated Identity and Authentication solution for Linux/UNIX networked environments combining Linux (Fedora), 389 Directory Server, MIT Kerberos, NTP, DNS, Dogtag (Certificate System). It consists of a web interface and command-line administration tools. A FreeIPA server provides centralized authentication, authorization and account information by storing data about user, groups, hosts and other objects necessary to manage the security aspects of a network of computers.


Home directories cannot be created automatically on NFS mounts when using IPA. This was the major reason for not implementing IPA.


  • Set the static hostname of the server: #hostnamectl set-hostname
    • See documentation for detail explanation on setting the host and domain name. The domin should not be the same as the primary domain (
  • Set hostname in /etc/hosts:
  • Update the OS & reboot: #yum update; reboot
  • #yum install freeipa-server freeipa-server-dns
  • #firewall-cmd --add-service=freeipa-ldap
    • Adding the freeipa-ldap should open the necessary ports.
  • Make it permanent: #firewall-cmd --add-service=freeipa-ldap --permanent
  • Install the server: #ipa-server-install
    • Set the Direct Manager Password. Direct Manager is the super user for managing the IPA server.
    • Set the admin password. Admin is for normal activities such add/edit users.
    • Configure DNS forwarders: yes
    • Configure reverse zones: No
    • The install ends with the message of opening the ports (already done)
    • backup the certificate /root/cacert.p12 to use for replicating the server.
  • Access the FreeIPA admin portal using the URL:
  • If the shared (NFS,SMB,etc.) home directories are exported from the same server, which is the case for us, then we need to take care of two things:
    • If the LDAP (ipa) users home directories are customed ie. not in /home. For example: /home/nfs1 then apply the correct SELinux context and permissions from the /home directory to the home directory that is created on the local system eg. /home/nfs1: $ sudo semanage fcontext -a -e /home /home/nfs1
    • Do the same thing for any other custom home directories.
    • Install, if not already, the oddjob-mkhomedir package on the system which provides the library, which the authconfig command uses to create home directories. The library, unlike the default library, can create SELinux labels. The authconfig command automatically uses the library if it is available. Otherwise, it will default to using
    • Make sure the oddjobd service is running: # systemctl status oddjobd
    • During the ipa-server installation, ipa-client is also installed by default without the option --enablemkhomedir which is needed to for first login in the server which hosts the home directories so for other clients who mount this directory, they don't need the option. Run the authconfig command:
   # authconfig --enablemkhomedir --update



  • Set the hostname: #hostnamectl set-hostname
  • Add to /etc/hosts:  srv01  dt042
  • Install the client:
   # ipa-client-install --hostname=`hostname -f` \ \ \
  • NOTE During the install the DNS lookup failed. Changing /etc/resolv.conf gets overwritten at boot. Must be a master file that sets. Just make sure that DNS lookup in /etc/nsswitch.conf the first nameserver is the IPA server.



[Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)] is a security architecture for Linux systems that allows administrators to have more control over who can access the system.

  • You can tell what your system is supposed to be running at by looking at the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file. - Default option mode is enforcing and policy is targeted
  • OR you can use the command sudo setatus
  • The mode can be changed in /etc/selinux/config eg. enforced, permissive, disabled

When switching from Disabled to either Permissive or Enforcing mode, it is highly recommended that the system be rebooted and the filesystem relabeled(?).

  • Some useful SELinux commands
    • $ ls -Z file1
      • To view the SELinux context of the file in the following format: user:role:type:level
      • SELinux user is a SELinux specific identity using SELinux policy that is mapped to an user to inherit the policy.
      • The command # semanage login -l lists all the users with their assigned SELinux user, the MLS/MCS security level and allowed services.
      • role is part of SELinux Role-Based Access COntrol (RBAC) security model.
      • type is attribute of Type enforcement.
      • level is an attribute of MLS/MCS security level.
    • tar --selinux ... to preserve the SELinux properties. FIXME Need to research more on this one…
  • Resources:



  • RAID 0: taking any number of disks and merging them to one volume.
  • RAID 1: Mirroring
  • RAID 5/6 : Stripping + Distributed Parity.
    • Now days RAID 5 is not used in disks larger than 500GB unless they are SSDs or enterprise grade HDDs. See this article for details. Instead RAID 10 is always preferred.
  • RAID 10 : Mirroring + Stripping


  • When installing CentOS-7, automatic partioning does not work for disk size >2TB so have to choose partion size manually.
  • A good guide on Recommended Partioning Scheme
  • Essential partions: /boot, /(root), /home, swap
  • Recommended sizes: /boot (>1G), / (>10G), /home (>1G), swap (see below)
    • swap size recommendation (assming no hibernation): For RAM size: * 2-8GB -> Equal to RAM size * 8-64G -> 4G to 0.5xRAM-size
  • # /CAD/cadence/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/bin/checkSysConf SPECTRE21.1
    • Install all the missing packages
    • Note Spectre requires a 32-bit (i686) glibc along with the 64-bit.
    • Install it with explicit architecture: #sudo yum install glibc.i686


  • Check this PDF



Computing Infra

Name IP Address Hardware OS Location Purpose
VLSI-SRV-001 Xeon/4C/2.5GHz/16Gb Redhat 6 Server Room File Server
VLSI-SRV-002 Xeon/20C/40T/2+GHz/64G CentOS-6.7 Server Room Computing Server
VLSI-NAS1 RaspberryPi-3-B+ 1Gb OpenMediaVault Server Room Archive/Backup Server
DT-001->030 192.168.51->80 Redhat 6 / CentOS 6.10 Adv VLSI Lab 30 Workstations


**VLSI-SRV-001 (OLD) **

Mount Size Purpose
/PDK 200G PDK installations
/home 256G Faculty home, project directories
/HOME 60G student/trainee/etc home
/CAD 200G CAD Software Installations

Special Sub-directories

Subdirectory Purpose
/CAD/apps/bin Homegrown scripts
/CAD/apps/modulefiles Files for the env management tool module
/CAD/apps/etc Misc /etc files
/CAD/licenseServers CAD License files
/home/NIS/<user> regular user directories
/home/NIS/faculty faculty user directories
/home/NIS/administrator admin user directories
/home/NIS/projects All project directories

NOTE /CAD/apps is git repository maintained in


Important Files for NFS Configuration

  • /etc/exports: Its a main configuration file of NFS, all exported files and directories are defined in this file at the NFS Server end.
  • /etc/fstab: To mount a NFS directory on your system across the reboots, we need to make an entry in /etc/fstab.
  • /etc/sysconfig/nfs: Configuration file of NFS to control on which port rpc and other services are listening. NOTE In our setup, we just use the default options.

Configuring and starting a NFS Server

  • You can check this blog
  • Install the necessary packages: yum -y install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib
  • Start the appropriate NFS services:
    chkconfig nfs on
    service rpcbind start
    service nfs start
    service nfslock start  
  • Start the rpcbind on the client: $ sudo service rpcbind start
  • Export the appropriate directories by configuring in /etc/exports. Our four main shared directories are configured as follows:

NFS Options:

  • rw: Allows client R/W access.
  • async: default option that should always be used.
  • no_subtree_check: This option prevents the subtree checking. When a shared directory is the subdirectory of a larger file system, nfs performs scans of every directory above it, in order to verify its permissions and details. Disabling the subtree check may increase the reliability of NFS, but reduce security.
  • no_root_squash: This option allows root to connect to the designated directory. IMPORTANT For 64-bit installs that has to be done in VLSI-SRV-002, this option is required so root in SRV-002 can write to the NFS mounts eg. /CAD.

  • Export the direcotries: $exportfs -a


NOTE: All mount points are relative to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-sg2tb.

Total Available Space: 1.8 TB

Mount Purpose
/backup/home Backup user home directories
/backup/cad Backup CAD
/backup/pdk Backup PDK
/archive/home Archive user home directories
/archive/cad Archive CAD
/archive/pdk Archive PDK
/smb-share Samba Share for Windows access

Transferring Files (to/From NAS)

NOTE: SSH keys are already setup between root in VLSI-SRV1 and admin-vlsi in VLSI-NAS1. So, when using the following commands using sudo or root account will not require password authentication.

  • To tar a directory over a SSH tunnel
    #tar czf - --exclude=.mozilla --exclude=.trn <dir-to-tar> | \
     ssh admin-vlsi@ "cat > /srv/dev-disk-by-label-sg2tb/<dir>/<tar-file.tgz>"

    You can use the script /CAD/apps/bin/tar2nas for the above function.

  • Copy file to NAS server over a SSH tunnel
    #scp <src-file> vlsi-admin@<dir>/<file>



  • lsblk : Lists the tree structure of all storage
  • vgdisplay <LVGROUP> : Displays all details of the LV GROUP
  • sudo lvcreate -L 1T -n lv_home <LVGROUP> : Creates a Logical Volume of 1 TB named lv_home.
  • sudo mkfs /dev/LVGROUP/lv_name : Creates an ext4 filesystem.
  • To resize a LVM: (NOTE When downsizing the volume, all data was LOST. So BACKUP!. FIXME: Check the same for upsizing.)
    • ``sudo umount
    • sudo lvchange -an LVGROUP/lv_name
    • sudo lvresize -L +100G LVGROUP/lv_name
    • sudo lvchange -ay LVGROUP/lv_name


Setting up a Subversion Server

  • Decided to setup the server on VLSI-SRV-002 so we can install any needed tools.(CentOS 6 is now deprecated so not true anymore)
  • Install subversion: # yum install subversion
  • Create a user svn and login as that user.
  • Make a directory for all repos: $ mkdir repos
  • change directory cd to repos
  • Create a SVN repo: $ svnadmin create sevya2019
  • cd to sevya2019/conf and make ensure the following in svnserv.conf
anon-access = read
auth-access = write

password-db = passwd
  • Which allows non-auth users read-only access and auth users read-write access.
  • Open the passwd file and add the user/password in it. IMPORTANT Change permission to 600 since password is plain text.
  • Create the file /etc/sysconfig/svnserve and add the following line it:
  • OPTIONS="--root /HOME/svn/repos" to define the root repository.
  • To start the server at boot:# chkconfig svnserve on
  • To manually start:# service svnserve start
  • To list a repo:$svn list svn://
  • To create another repo in future, $svnadmin create <repo> in /HOME/svn/repos and restart the svnserver.

Checking-out and Using a Repository

  • Checkout a repo:$svn checkout svn://<repo-name>


  • Add a file to repo after creating it: $svn add <file>
  • Commit: $svn commit -m "Comments" NOTE If you don't put comments, make sure env var SVN_EDITOR is set to a valid editor.
  • Cancel a commit: $ svn revert <file>

Checking out the the feynman_svn/feynman_ext_repo

For Linux:

  • Before checking out the SVN repo, the private key (SSH) of the client needs to match the public key on the SVN server. Easiest way is to take the private key from PuTTy (eg. id_rsa.pem or .openssh) and copy it to .ssh/id_rsa and the public key can be copied to .ssh/
svn list svn+ssh://svn@
svn checkout svn+ssh://svn@


  • Root login is COMPLETELY PROHIBITED unless absolutely necessary in very few cases, since it is a security threat.
  • Please do not start any VNC Servers as root, which is a security threat as well.
  • Instead, all root actions are done using sudo accounts.
  • After login in with the sudoer account, if you need to run any command as root, simply precede the command with sudo, eg:
    $sudo <command>

Making an existing user a sudoer

  • Login in as root and uncomment the wheel group from /etc/sudoer: #visudo
  • %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
  • NOTE The % sign is NOT a comment.
  • Add the user (say admlocal) to the group wheel:
  • #usermod -aG wheel admlocal


User accounts are broadly divided into three types:

  • admin: Administrator accounts with sudo capacity. Home directories reside in /home/NIS/administrator.
  • faculty: Faculty accounts without any special privilege for now. Need to add them to faculty group with a umask=027 so files are created with permission 750 so faculty can share files within the home directories. Home directory in /home/NIS/faculty
  • users: Standard users eg. students, course participants, etc. Home directory in /home/NIS


$sudo useradd -s /bin/csh -d /home/NIS/<username> -N -g users -G users \
              -c "Firstname Lastname, Dept., email", -k /etc/skel-student -K UMASK=022 -m <username>
$sudo make -C /var/yp

Where the options for useradd are:

-s : Default Linux shell (eg. csh)
-d : Home directory of the user
-N : Do not create a group with the user name but add it to the one with -g option
-g : add user to this group as the initial group (when -N option is provided)
-G : list of supplementary groups the user is going to be part of.
-c : comment. Please provide the comment is the format in the example for
     better user information retrieval when using the 'finger <user>' command
-k : location for the skeleton file eg. .cshrc, etc.
-K : can override any variables from the /etc/login.defs eg. UMASK
-m : create home directory if it doesn't exist.

ADDING BATCH USERS Use the script /CAD/apps/bin/buseradd to add a list of users from a comma-separated file like shown below:

"Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar",,,,,,
VLSI Center of Excellence (COE),,,,,,
List of Students (2017-18),,,,,,
Sl.No.,Regd No,Name,Branch,Phone No.,E-mail ID,User Name
1,1501209000,G Kumar,ETA,8417136000,,gkumar
2,1501209000,M Ansari,AEI,9171729000,,mansari
3,1501209000,V Sao,ETB,9112411000,,vsao
4,1501209000,N Singhal,ETA,7215101000,,nsinghal
5,1501209000,D Kumari,AEI,9178811100,,dkumari

The CSV file can be exported directly from a Excel file that is currently in the above standard format.

You can create single user using the above file as well.

FIXME: The above description of buseradd needs to be updated to match the changes in the script.

** Limiting Hardisk Usage with quota ** (Not yet immplemented)

  • First the mount point (eg. /HOME) needs to be enabled for quote. See the following link for instructions to create a "quotad" mount point. Basic steps are:
  • Enable quotas in the main server's (VLSI-SRV-001) /etc/fstab:
  • /dev/mapper/VolGroup03-LogVol00_home /HOME ext4 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1 2
  • Remount the file system: unmount and mount
  • Make sure the /etc/fstabs of the NFS clients are updated with the mount point. NOTE You don't need to assign the usrquota and grpquota options in the NFS clients.
  • Create the quota database files and generate the disk usage table:
  • Create the quota files: #quotacheck -cug /HOME
  • Generate the diskusage table: #quotacheck -vug /HOME
  • Assign quotas per user:edquota <username>



  • Login to aws-ampere as centos
    • $sudo useradd <options>
    • $sudo make -C /var/yp
  • Login to VLSI-SRV-002 as admin
    • $sudo mkdir /HOME/<user>
    • $sudo chown -R <user>:users /HOME/<user>
    • $su -l <user>
    • $cp /etc/skel/.cshrc


The description below is for migrating our local NIS server (RHEL 6) to am AWS Lightsail instance (CentOS 7). But most of it is applicable to other systems as well.

  • First started with this post.
  • Migrating passwd/groups/shadow/gshadow (Mostly manual but some automation can be followed from this post ).
  • Transferred all the /etc stuff to the AWS instance and created temp files passwd.mig etc.
    • awk -v LIMIT=500 -F: '($3>=LIMIT) && ($3!=65534)' passwd > passwd.mig This ensures no system accounts are duplicated. Double check manually.
    • sudo cat shadow > shadow.mig and edit to make sure the same users as in passwd
    • awk -v LIMIT=500 -F: '($3>=LIMIT) && ($3!=65534)' group > group.mig NOTE the users group got skipped so had to add manually.
    • sudo cat gshadow > gshadow.mig and edit to make sure the same users as in gpasswd
    • cd /etc ; sudo tar -czvf ~/baks/etcpasswd.tgz passwd groups shadow gshadow yp.conf ypserv.conf : Backup before adding the new data.
    • sudo vim /etc/passwd and append passwd.mig
    • sudo vim /etc/group and append group.mig -sudo chmod 600 /etc/shadow; sudo vim /etc/shadow, append shadow.mig and chmod 000 /etc/shadow -sudo chmod 600 /etc/gshadow; sudo vim /etc/shadow, append gshadow.mig and chmod 000 /etc/gshadow
    • Check the migration by trying to login as one of the migrated user eg. su <user>
    • If not installed, install ypserv, ypbind : sudo yum install ypserv ypbind
    • Set chkconfig to start at boot: sudo chkconfig ypserv/ypbind on
    • Backup up /var/yp
    • Copy all the contents of old /var/yp to the new server.
      • Had to change YPBINDIR = /usr/lib/yp TO YPBINDIR = /usr/lib64/yp
      • Updated /var/yp/ypservers with the IP address of the current server.
    • Setup the local ypbind: sudo authconfig-tui with NIS_Silicon as the domain and the IP address should be the local IP and NOT the public IP of the instance.
      • Alternatively you can add the config line domain NIS_Silicon server in the /etc/yp.conf
    • Run the makefile : sido make -C /var/yp
    • check the domain name domainname and it should output NIS_Silicon
    • Check the NIS server ypwhich and it should output the hostname eg. ip-172-26-5-80.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal
    • Check if you can query the passwd and group : ypcat passwd and ypcat group
    • IMPORTANT Login to the AWS Lightsail dashboard and from the Networking tab of the instance, open the following ports:
      • TCP:111,834,998 and UDP:111,834,995
      • TCP:998 and UDP:995 found it from the ypserv port by typing rpcinfo -p on the new server. The client still could not connect. This post suggested the other two and that worked!!
    • sudo authconfig-tui and set domain to NIS_Silicon and server to the public IP address of the instance.
    • You can manually configure it as:
      • add NISDOMAIN=NIS_Silicon in /etc/sysconfig/network
      • add domain NIS_Silicon server <public IP od AWS> to /etc/yp.conf
      • Make sure the following lines contain nis as an option in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf file: passwd: files nis shadow: files nis group: files nis hosts: files nis dns networks: files nis protocols: files nis publickey: nisplus automount: files nis netgroup: files nis aliases: files nisplus
    • To start and stop the ypbind service: sudo service ypbind start/stop/status


Currently, vncservers are automatically started for some users ( Check Config file: /etc/sysconfig/vncservers in VLSI-SRV-002

  • To start a VNC server manually, first set a ONE-TIME-ONLY password:
  • vncpasswd
  • Then start the vncserver:
  • vncserver :<number> -depth 24 -geometry <resolution> for example:
  • vncserver :10 -depth 24 -geometry 1280x800
  • Use VNC client eg. tightVNC or realVNC to login to your VNC server:
  • Enter the appropriate IP and server number eg.
  • To kill a server, you have to be logged in to that particular machine and execute:
  • vncserver -kill :10
  • To list the current servers you are running: vncserver -list


Local scripts, modulefiles, config, etc are maintained in /CAD/apps which is also maintained on github at

In order to clone it at a different place:

  • git clone
  • Ask sysadmin for email/passwd to clone it.

NOTE On a new server when running git for the first time, you need to set:

  • git config --global "Name"
  • git config --global
  • If you get a Error 403 while accessing URL…. when doing a git push, try:
    • git remote set-url origin "https://<github-username/>


FIXME: This section needs to be updated.

  • Common environment variables are set in /CAD/apps/etc/silicon.csh which is soft linked to /etc/profile.d/silicon.csh. NOTE This script gets executed twice so you have to make sure you do a conditional statement when appending environment variables.
  • All tool and project based environment are loaded using the opensource linux software module.
  • The the setup files for all the tools and the projects are in /CAD/apps/modulefiles
  • For help type module
  • To see all the available modules available:
$module avail

Example output:
---------------------------- /CAD/apps/modulefiles -----------------------------
project/cad-analog/1.0            tools/IC/616
project/cad-xfab/xc06m3-18-a0-1.0 tools/INCISIVE/152
tools/ASSURA/41-615               tools/MMSIM/141
tools/EDI/142                     tools/PVS/151
tools/EXT/15-14                   tools/RC/142

  • To load a particular module eg. tools/IC/616
$module load tools/IC/616
  • To list loaded modules:
$module list
  • To see all the settings in a module eg. project/cad-analog/1.0:
    $module show project/cad-analog/1.0
  • To unload a module
    $module unload project/cad-analog/1.0


  • Currently backups are run weekly (Sunday 4am) and Monthly (Month 1st) from VLSI-SERV-001 to VLSI-NAS-001
  • Backup script /CAD/apps/bin/rsync2nas is run with the weekly and monthly option using crontab from the root account. In order to list all the commands in root's crontab:
#crontab -l
  • To add more backup directories, append to script /CAD/apps/bin/rsync2nas
  • On the NAS server (VLSI-NAS-001), the monthly backups are archived into a tar ball every month using the script ~/scripts/tar2archive in admin-vlsi user home.
  • And tar2nas is run by a crontab in the NAS server's root account. FIXME Backup ~/scripts.
  • Temporary data can be archived in VLSI-SRV-002:/home/local/archive


  • Cadence License Documentation at $CDSDOC/license or /CAD/IC616/doc/license Link-to-PDF
  • Mentor License Manual PDF
  • Mentor AppNote MG576233 : Scripts for starting license server PDF
  • Cadence Support Article on setup and debug of license server Link


All the Cadence and Mentor applications are FlexNet-enabled application that communicates with the license server, a license manager daemon that contacts the client applications and passes the connection to the appropriate vendor daemon that tracks the license status and a files that stores licensing data.

  • FlexNet-Enabled Application Program– All the Cadence and Mentor applications eg. Virtuoso, Assura, Pyxis, etc.
  • License Manager Daemon (lmgrd)– The lmgrd daemon handles initial contact with the client application programs and passes the connection to the appropriate vendor daemon. The lmgrd daemon also starts and restarts the vendor daemons.
  • NOTE It's best to run the same version of lmgrd as the vendor daemon mgcld/cdslmd. Also two different versions of lmgrd can be run simultaneously for different tools. lmgrd is in almost all the bin directories of Cadence apps.: Copied the the bin directory from /cad/INCISIV102_lnx86/tools/bin to /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/lmtools-v11-7-0-0
  • For Mentor Graphics the lmgrd location is /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/mgls_v9-16_5-1-0.ixl NOTE: *.ixl is for 32-bit OS and *.aol is for 64-bit OS. VLSI-SRV-001 is 32-bit RHEL 6.
  • Vendor Daemon (mgcld/cdslmd)– The vendor daemon, mgcld/cdslmd, keeps track of the licenses that are checked out. If the mgcld/cdslmd process terminates for any reason, all users lose their licenses but usually regain them automatically when lmgrd restarts mgcld/cdslmd. The vendor daemon for Cadence and Mentor:
  • /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/lmtools-v11-7-0-0/bin/cdslmd
  • /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/mgls_v9-16_5-1-0.ixl/bin/mgcld
  • License File– The license file is a text file where FlexNet stores licensing data. Vendor creates this license file, which contains information about the server and mgcld/cdslmd and at least one line of data, called the INCREMENT line, for each licensed product. Each INCREMENT line contains an encryption code that is based on data on that line, the host ID of the server(s), and other vendor-supplied data such as expiration date, count, and version. For Mentor this file can be downloaded from the support center. After getting the license file, you have to customize the first two lines:
SERVER srv02 98BE9429134A 5280
DAEMON cdslmd /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/lmtools-v11-7-0-0/bin/cdslmd PORT=5281

SERVER srv02 98BE9429134A 1717
DAEMON mgcld /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/mgls_v9-16_5-1-0.ixl/bin PORT=1718

NOTE In CentOS 7 pretty much all ports are shut by default. So typically the DAEMON line doesn't have a port assigned so it picks an available free port but in CentOS 7, you have to specifically assign one using the PORT= argument and open that port in the firewall.

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=5280/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=5281/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=1717/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=1718/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

IMPORTANT NOTE Keep the cdslmd version same as that provided originally with the license file else some applications may fail.

  • Current license files located at
  • /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/licFiles and /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/licFiles
  • The current used license files are symbolic linked to:
  • /CAD/licenseServers/mentor/license-current.dat and /CAD/licenseServers/cadence/license-current.dat


  • For reasons of security, the lmgrd daemon should not be started as root. For the autostart of the license server script cdslic/mgclic, a username of the same name is created as follows:
  • useradd -u 65535 -g 65534 -d / -s /bin/sh -c "License Server" cdslic The account has same group ID as user ‘nobody', which limits the acess to system and network resources. Strongly advised not make this a NIS user account.
  • As root change the password to a strong one.
  • Since this is a non-priviledged user, make sure it can access the license file in read mode and the log file in read-write mode.
  • Therefore, change the group of the log file /var/tmp/lmgrd.log to 65534 ie.:
  • #chgrp 65534 /var/tmp/lmgrd.log
  • Add the scripts cdslic/mgclic (Cadence/Mentor) in /etc/init.d and
  • change the permissions to rwxr-xr-x: #chmod 755 /etc/init.d/[cdslic/mgclic]
  • cd /etc/init.d and add the run level info to the system services #/sbin/chkconfig --add [cdslic/mgclic]
  • To verify it will run at the desired levels: $/sbin/chkconfig --list [cdslic/mgclic]
  • In the script you'll find #chkconfig: 345 99 30. The values represent the run levels (3,4,5), the start order (99) and the stop order (30). DO NOT remove the commnet (#) from this line.
  • NOTE: not only this script starts on boot but also shuts down gracefully during shutdown. You can also start, stop, restart, query, etc. the server with the script. The command syntax is:
  • service cdslic {start | stop | restart | status | lmver} where:
  • start: starts the server
  • stop: stops the server
  • status: status of the server
  • restart: restarts the server
  • lmver: Version of flexnet


  • In order to check-in licenses that are sitting idle for a period of time, a file named in the format <vendor-daemon>.opt, cdslmd.opt and mgcld.opt are placed in /CAD/licenseServers/cadence and /CAD/licenseServers/mentor for Cadence and Menotr repectively, with the following option:
    # Comment
  • This ensures all license features that are capable of TIMEOUT, are checked-in after 3600 secs (1 hour) of idle time.
  • A detail description of it can be found at the Cadence Support


  • To remove a license from a user or a zombie process (do a lmstat and get all the info):
$lmremove <feature> <user> <host> <display>
$lmremove Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_XL amishra DT-005 :0.0
  • Other useful commands:


$setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 5280@VLSI-SRV-001
$setenv CDS_LIC_LICENSE 5280@VLSI-SRV-001
$set path (/CAD/IC616/tools.lnx86/bin:$path)


FIXME: This section needs to be updated.

  • Create the new project entry in /CAD/apps/bin/proj.list
  • create directory /home/NIS/projects/<PROJNAME>/<REV>/work and change owner and group to srout and users.
    • NOTE: PROJNAME and REV should be in uppercase even though the entry in proj.list is lowercase.
  • Create the module file and the alias to match the entry in proj.list
  • For Cadence, create cds-PROJNAME-REV.lib and in /CAD/apps/etc
  • Create and populate /CAD/apps/<PROJNAME>/<REV>/docs with tech documents.

XFAB XC06 0.6um CMOS Technology

  • Project areas for each user is created as separate directory as:
  • Example: for the project XC06M3-18, revision A0 and for the user admin, the project area should be:
  • For the XFab technology, the project area is automatically created by a perl script /CAD/apps/bin/siproj [type siproj -h for help]].
  • As an example, to create a project area for project XC06M3-18, Revision A0 and the technology option xc06m3:
  • After the project area is created, in order to cd to the project area and start virtuoso:
  • To simply cd or pushd to a project area, type cdproj or pdproj respectively.


After loading a OS [Redhat/CentOS] on a new workstation, we need to setup the following:

  • NOTE: For CentOS, choose desktop installation when given various options eg. (server, LAMP, desktop, etc.)
  • Setup the Network
  • Configure it as a NIS client and
  • Mount the NFS mounts (/CAD, /PDK, /home/NIS, /HOME)
  • Common environment setup
  • Create the /local directory
  • For CentOS: install additional libraries for functional Cadence.

Follow these steps for the above configuration:


  • #system-config-network (You can use GUI from the main drop down menu):
    • First select Device Configuration and select the appropriate device eg. eth1
    • Static IP address: eg.
    • Netmask:
    • Gateway:
    • Primary DNS:
    • Secondary DNS:
    • DNS search path: vlsi.silicon
    • Then select DNS Configuration:
    • Hostname: example dt-026
      • NOTE In some case the hostname does not get added to /etc/hosts resulting in a non-working. Add the hostname manually to /etc/hosts.
    • Primary DNS:
    • Secondary DNS:
    • DNS search path: vlsi.silicon


  • #authconfig-tui
  • Select NIS and click Next and set the following:
  • Domain: NIS_Silicon
  • Server:


  • First make a copy of the /etc/fstab:#cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig
  • Add the following to /etc/fstab:  /home/NIS    nfs    noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768       /CAD         nfs    noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768       /PDK         nfs    noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768      /HOME        nfs    noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768
  • Create the following directories: /CAD, /PDK, /home/NIS
  • Type #mount -a or reboot


  • Common environments are in /CAD/apps/etc/silicon.csh
  • Create the following link to load for all users:
    • #ln -s /CAD/apps/etc/silicon.csh /etc/profile.d/.
  • Create /local : Local directory to store all temp data (eg. simulation)
    • #mkdir /local
    • #chmod 775 /local
    • #chgrp users /local

CentOS 6.7/6.10 Specific

  • Hostname not in /etc/hosts
  • Some installations don't seem to have the hostname in /etc/hosts. One of the problem created by it is: spectre stops with a gethostbyname failed error.
  • Another problem happens, when the IP Address and hostname not matches with the IP Adress and hostname in /etc/hosts. For this the error comes as: ERROR (ADE-3036): "Error encountered during simulation"
  • The only way to fix it, it seems, is to manually add the hostname to /etc/hosts eg. DT-007. You can also add the hostname to other entries eg. localhost, etc
  • The following steps require internet connection so make sure syberroam is up and you have logged in with your credential.

  • Environment management tool module is not installed by default. Install it:
    • #yum install environment-modules
  • Korn shell is required for Cadence Virtuoso which is not installed.
    • #yum install ksh
    • While invoking virtuoso, got an error regarding no /lib/
    • Using the command $yum provides indicated, the package glibc-2.12-1.212.el6.i686 so installed it:
    • #yum install glibc.i686 (Maybe installed in 6.10)
    • virtuoso also needed so installed:
    • #yum install libXp.x86_64
    • NOTE: $yum provides indicated package libXp-1.0.2-2.1.el6.i686 but virtuoso returned an error as Wrong Classs: ECLASS32. So installed
    • #yum install libXp.x86_64 and it worked!!
    • Currently Assura-QRC works only in IC617 setup (see the module file project/cad-xfab/xc06m3-qrc). RCX wasn't running in CentOS because of a missing 32-bit library (See Cadence-Support Link ). Tried to find the library and include it in LD_LIBRARY_PATH but could not, so re-installed the package:
    • #yum install elfutils-libelf.i686
  • MISSIGN FONTS: On starting virtuoso, following warning about missing fonts
*WARNING* Unable to find font name: "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*".
*WARNING* Cannot find textFont.  Trying font "fixed".
*WARNING* Unable to find font name: "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*".
*WARNING* Using the text font to present labels.
*WARNING* Unable to find font name: "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*".
*WARNING* Using text font to present error messages.
  • Load the following font package xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi:
  • #yum install xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi
  • For detailed troubleshooting of fonts issues, check this [ link ] on NOTE Credentials required.

  • Once the system is ready with all the packages, we need to do a system update:
  • #yum update
  • NOTE: If one or more packages are not installing (eg. firefox…, java…), you can exclude them: #yum update --exclude=firefox<start> --exclude=java<star>

Checking and Completing CentOS 6.10 Installation Automatically

  • All the above steps (after NFS mount) has been automated by a shell script.
  • AFTER creating the /CAD, /PDK, /home/NIS mounts and successfully mounting it, you can run the following scripts to complete the rest of the installation:
  • /CAD/apps/bin/finish-centos610-inst



  • After doing the migration, SSH acces using public key is not working.
  • This article has some detail sabout SELinux problems
  • Enabled the log in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to DEBUG3
  • Wasn't able to read ~/.ssh/authorized_keys even though all permissions was ok
  • Disabled SELinux in /etc/selinux/config and still didn't work
  • removing .ssh and starting fresh seems to work.
  • Deleted /var/log/secure and now the log won't get updated. Noticed that the previous log file had dot in the end of the permission. So now copied a old secure file which had the dot and stilll won't update. Found from the web that I need to restart rsyslog, sudo service rsyslog restart
  • SELINUX NOTE When tar-ing a SELinux filesystem, try the tar --selinux option. Do some research on it.